Development Grant Application
The Faculty Development Grant, provides a limited number of course release and faculty research support grants, not to exceed $4,000.00 per award, to faculty teaching at UNCF and Mellon affiliated institutions. This grant is to be used to support a faculty member receiving release time from one course per semester or to support activities related to the furtherance of the faculty member’s research agenda. If you request the grant for course release purposes, please note that we will also provide you with a $3,500.00 research stipend. Preference is given to MMUF or UNCF newly minted Ph.D.’s who have chosen to teach within the UNCF consortium of institutions. All faculty teaching at UNCF institutions are eligible to apply.
Only faculty representing Mellon designated disciplinary areas are eligible to apply for the Faculty Development Fund. Please find the Mellon designated fields below.
- Anthropology and Archaeology
- Area/Cultural/Ethnic/Gender Studies
- Art History
- Classics
- Geography and Population Studies
- English
- Film, Cinema and Media Studies (theoretical focus)
- Musicology, Ethnomusicology and Music Theory
- Foreign Languages and Literatures
- History
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Performance Studies (theoretical focus)
- Philosophy and Political Theory
- Religion and Theology
- Sociology
- Theater (non-performance focus)
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Interdisciplinary areas of study may be eligible if they have one or more Mellon fields at their core
Please make sure the following items are completed and postmarked by January 31.
☐ Letter of Interest
☐ Curriculum Vitae
☐ A typed proposal describing how the Faculty Development Fund will be used (no more than two (2) typed paragraphs).
☐ Itemized budget (if you are applying for release time, please provide verification from the Chief Academic Officer of how much your institution provides for adjunct faculty replacements).
☐ Letter of recommendation from the Chief Academic Officer which includes verification of the home institution’s support for a course release if faculty member is seeking course release.
☐ Letter of recommendation from departmental chair
Complete the below online application or mail by January 31.
Dr. Cynthia Neal Spence, Director
UNCF/Mellon Programs
350 Spelman Lane
Box 333
Atlanta, GA 30314
For further information, please contact our programs office at 404.270.5685.